Both the Israelite and the Philistine tribes settled in Palestine around the 12th Century BC, and became mortal enemies vying for limited resources. Samson was a renowned warrior, judge and leader of the early Israelite tribes in Canaan, legendary for his extraordinary strength. Both Goliath and Delilah were Philistines. Delilah charmed Samson into revealing the secret of his power, his Nazarite hair. She then had his hair cut while he slept, depriving him of his power; and Samson was enslaved, tortured and blinded by the Philistines. But his hair grew back in his dungeon, his strength returned and he destroyed his captors’ temple of the god Dagon at Gaza.
Samson and the Philistines “Haim Gross Foundation Award”
Audubon Artists 1991 New York, NY
Samson and the Philistines 1987 Bronze 25" x 12" x 5” Edition 8