The Good Samaritan (aka Healer) expresses the power of mercy, compassion, and healing. It is a story told by Jesus in response to a lawyer’s question about the commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself." The lawyer asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responded with a parable of a man who was traveling on a difficult journey when he was set upon by robbers who stripped and beat him and left him half dead. A priest of the beaten man’s own faith came by and passed on the other side of the road. Another man of another sect of the sufferer’s faith also passed him by. When a merciful Samaritan of a different faith altogether came upon the man, he felt compassion and tended his wounds and lodged him during his recovery. Then, Jesus asked which of the three seemed to be a neighbor of the man who was robbed, and answered, "He that showed mercy on him." Govens Presbyterian Church commissioned this life-sized work for their park on York Road in Baltimore.
The Good Samaritan 2004 Bronze 2-figures Life size Baltimore, MD